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Industrial Lamps

The industrial living style is popular, this interior trend is also reflected in our range. In our collection you will find a variety of authentic, industrial lamps with which you can provide your interior with a real eye-catcher. Take a look!

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Industrial Lamps at Lamplord


Okay, ‘industrial’ is a broad concept, but in terms of style and design, these lamps fit very well in an industrial interior. At Lamplord you will only find authentic, industrial lamps. Whether you are looking for an industrial hanging lamp for above the dining table or looking for a wall lamp or floor lamp, in our range you have a wide choice of lamps that are all unique.                                             

Our industrial lamps are from the 1930s to the 1980s. Some of our industrial lamps were literally used in factories. The great thing about our lamps is that they always bring a bit of history with them, which contributes greatly to the atmosphere in the house.                                                               

You will find different models in our range of industrial lamps. Beautiful hanging lamps made of steel, wall lamps of bakelite or other beautiful materials, such as copper, enamel or glass.


Style of our Industrial Lamps


The industrial lamps in our range fall under the style of "functionalism", this movement is also called the "Modern Movement". And one also speaks of "New Pragmatism" or "New Objectivity” (1918 - 1933). The New Objectivity was a stylistic response to expressionism. The central idea of this movement is that the construction and appearance of an object must be determined by its function, "form follows function". Although beauty is not a goal in itself, many designers still did pay attention to it.                                            

So, this style is characterized by sleek, business style and functional designs with a preference for simplicity. No piece of decoration was attached to an object if it did not have a practical function. Such lamps obviously fit beautifully in an industrial style interior. Because the lamps are designed in a very functional way, they have a nice, robust look.                                                                         

The New Pragmatism came into existence in Germany in the 1920s (‘Neue Sachlichkeit’). In those years many modern materials, such as steel, glass and concrete became fashionable. Steel furniture, stainless steel cutlery and high-rise buildings with exterior walls of glass are all examples of designs from this movement.


The lamps that we have in our collection usually originate from factories, offices and companies. These cool industrial lamps are sturdy and functional and often have a white, grey or black colour. Beautiful minimalist designs that fit well in an industrial home, but also look great in a more modern interior.


Buy Industrial Lamps at Lamplord


When you buy an industrial lamp from us, you buy a piece of history and authenticity. Moreover, you can count on a lamp that functions well. All our lamps are thoroughly checked and beautifully repaired where necessary. We guarantee you will receive a perfectly working lamp that is ready for use.                                                                   

Do you order your lamp from Lamplord before 3.30 pm CET? Then your order will be shipped the same day. Did you receive the lamp and it regrettably is not quite what you were looking for, then you always have 21 days to reflect. You can return the lamp for free and you will get your money back.