Nog maar06 dagen08:40:41 25% korting op alle vintage lampen OP LAMPEN VANAF € 190,-
Stock: 67
Article code: 3-0552A
Technical state

Material: copper
Colour: red copper
Dimensions (cm): 14.0 (5.5 inch)
Heigth (cm): 5.2 (2.05 inch)
Diameter of opening (cm): 1.0, M10 (0.39 inch)


Ceiling cup made of red copper, in a fairly classic version.
In this ceiling cap you can hide the suspension of your hanging lamp (including the connector).

To fix this plate to the ceiling, you still need another lamp part.
Otherwise the cup will not hang / float.

If you want to attach the ceiling cap directly to the cord; then place a strain relief strain relief under the cap.

If you want to attach the ceiling cap to a metal rod; then place an adjusting ring slip ring under the cap.

This ceiling cap can also be used as a cover plate on a lamp glass.

Ceiling plate, red copper, 14.0 cm / 5.5 inch diameter, M10 hole
Ceiling plate, red copper, 14.0 cm / 5.5 inch diameter, M10 hole


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