25% korting op alle vintage lampen in Soest OP LAMPEN VANAF € 190,- DIE JE OPHAALT IN SOEST
Stock: 1 , unique
Article code: 3-6007
Condition of the lamp

These hanging lamps are specially made for us, if you want larger numbers, please contact us.

Colour: white, matt silver
Material: glass, chrome
Bulb holder: large size fitting (E27)
Number of fittings: 1
Can you use a ledlamp: yes, that's possible
Diameter Ceiling Cap (cm): 14.0 ( = 5.5 inch )
Total heigth (cm): 115.0 ( = 45.3 inch )
Outside diameter (cm): 24.5 ( = 9.7 inch )


Hanging lamp glass. Glass shade in the shape of a drop in the coloor white. The glass shade is attached to a silver-coloured fixture. These types of hanging lamps are also called pendant lamps: hanging lamp on a rod. Classic hanging lamp that can be used anywhere and fits in all house styles. Can also be used well in hotels and restaurants.

Come visit to view this lamp
Burg. Grothestraat 45
3761 CK Soest
020 - 789 33 55
Glass hanging lamp, industrial style, white with silver
Glass hanging lamp, industrial style, white with silver


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