25% korting op alle vintage lampen in Soest OP LAMPEN VANAF € 190,- DIE JE OPHAALT IN SOEST
Stock: 46 Piece
Article code: 3-6014
Condition of the lamp

New lampshades, when ordering multiple copies, delivery time of 2 weeks.

Colour: matt white
Material: glass
Bulb holder: small size fitting E14
Fitting opening, inner size (cm): 4.2 (1.6 inch)
Diameter of Lamp shade (cm): 15.0 (5.9 inch)


Matt white frosted glass sphere. 
Note: Matte white glass.

The glass sphere has a diameter of 15.0 cm (5.9 inch)..
The opening in the glass is: 4.2 cm (1.6 inch).

Suitable for small size fitting (E14 fitting) in combination with a retainer spring;
see the related products and the link below.

And here you will find the E14 retainer spring
And possibly an E14 fitting with external thread

Come visit to view this lamp
Burg. Grothestraat 45
3761 CK Soest
020 - 789 33 55
Matt white lamp glass, sphere, 15 cm (5.9 inch) diameter
Matt white lamp glass, sphere, 15 cm (5.9 inch) diameter


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