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Light Fittings for Chandeliers

Fittings for Chandeliers can be found below. Also called candle holder. In various lengths...

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Candle fittings for your chandelier

When you remove an old chandelier light fitting (candle holder) , a short piece of thread usually remains.
Measure the outer diameter of this, 10 millimeters / 0.39 inch is quite common.
Please measure exactly, 11 millimeters / 0.43 inch is a completely different story.

At the bottom of the (new) candle holder / fitting, there is a metal pipe with a round opening. You can see above on the various pictures of the fittings. This is suitable for placing back on the short threaded end (M10x1).

What does M10x1 mean:
Metric thread, 10 millimeters / 0.39 inch in diameter, with a pitch of 1 (or fine thread).
Often used in repairing and making lamps.

If they were bayonet fittings, we first place this adapting piece on that short piece of threaded pipe.
See further explanation at the reducer itself.

If you only replace the fittings (and not the lamp wire): be careful with your old wire, do not cut it off too quickly. You often have little space to reattach your cord to the new candle holder.