Stock: 85 Piece
Article code: 3-4001
Technical state

De kant met het schroefdraad aan de buitenkant: 1 cm schroefdraad en 1.6 cm glad oppervlak, samen dus: 2.6 cm lang

Het gladde oppervlak van het uiteinde met het schroefdraad aan de binnenzijde: 2.2 cm lang

Material: brass
Colour: gold colour
Outer Diameter (cm): 1.0 (0.39 inch)
Length (cm): 30.0 (11.8 inch)


This is a copper (brass) bendable rod (flexible rod) with a total length of 30 cm (11.8 inch).

This flexible tube is regularly used for the repair of old desk lamps and old wall lamps for example. One side has M10 external thread and the other side has M10 internal thread; see the images for this.

Bendable Tube, brass, length: 30 cm (11.8 inch), M10
Bendable Tube, brass, length: 30 cm (11.8 inch), M10


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